
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Caution: Whiney blog about baby ahead!

You know, I remember the good old days when my son was an infant. He hardly cried, he never fussed. He just sat in his chair and absorbed the world through is big chocolately brown eyes. Oh how the world has changed since he has become mobile and has developed communication skills.

My son is still amazing in many degrees: he is terribly brilliant and can mimic Disney movie scenes, he loves (trying) to play the piano, he is a dancoholic and is by far the best human with 10 inch arm hug giver I've ever known. With that being said: he's driving me crazy!

Where my son went from being a sweet little baby he is now a loud momma's boy toddler. He wakes up everyday at 2:30am expecting to be cuddled, he demands his milk at 8am, and then expects to be held every fifteen minutes. Where did this kid come from? What happened to my sweet lil independent baby who I could leave in the stroller for an hour or so (attended of course) while mommy shopped for shoes?

This wasn't in the "You're a Single Mother Now and Everything Will Be Fine" manual. This should be in the "What to Do When Your Child Goes Nuts" book. What's a girl to do?? Maybe a little bit more of this:

Thanks for listening, Happy Saturday.

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