
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kate Gosselin Finally Goes Home!

So good ole' wooden leg was sent packing on Tuesday after she beat out plenty of actual entertaining stars! Finally a good decision was made!

Krishana Marsh
Founder/ Chief Architect
Moms in the City
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I'm sorry lobster claw shoes are friggin ugly.

As talented as some fashion designers are, some should just stick to designing clothing lines and stay far away from shoe design. Case in point- Alexander McQueen. While he was extremely talented there is no reason why he was allowed to design and profit from a terrible shoe line that is being sold... ever.

I mean really? Ugh!

Well this makes sense

Spongebob and the 7 deadly sins?

So while on a walk to the grocery store the other day my boyfriend and I got to talking about the philosophies of Spongebob and he informed me that the creator based all of the characters of the cartoon on the 7 deadly sins.

Here is the breakdown:








That's right, the cute giggly sponge is lustful

Funny 4/20

Don't you wish your boyfriend was hot like...Will Ferrell?

You read correctly! Don't you just wish your boyfriend had that sexy, tan, fit body like the super hot actor Will Ferrell? Well ladies prepare for your dreams to come true! Amazon is selling a trio of Will Ferrell; Forbidden Fruit, Sun Stroke and Sexy Hot Tan all which can be purchased separately or as a package (giggedy).

All of the proceeds are donated to the Cancer for College fund.